Sunday, September 30, 2018

Life in a Wheelchair: Rare Disease Awareness Month

Hey everyone! It’s rare disease awareness month, and I am super late to the game! It’s been a hot hot minute since I’ve posted anything on here but I felt compelled to share something for this month, as I, if you don’t already know, have a rare brain disease called Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension.

Basically, my body has the symptoms of a brain tumor, but what’s going on in up in my head is that I’m producing way way way too much spinal fluid, which normal people produce a way smaller amount of. This condition, when it’s not idiopathic, meaning when they can pinpoint an underlying cause for the Hypertension, is often life threatening as the brain can’t handle the increased pressure. For example, people sometimes develop this condition when they get into a really bad car wreck, and if they can’t find a way to get rid of the excess buildup, it can kill you.
Like I said, think brain tumor symptoms. However, because I am an idiopathic chronic case, they have no idea why I have it, where it came from, or how to get rid of it. There are only ways to manage it and some people find a treatment that manages to get rid of it, and for others those methods don’t get rid of it. I am the treatment to help manage it but it isn’t going away kind, but the condition is still benign. Now that I’ve straightened that out, I wanted to talk a little about how I dealt with some of the new aspects of my life after I was diagnosed up to now in honor of awareness month.
(If you want to learn more about IH, visit the Intracranial Hypertension Research Foundation website.)

I remember the defeated moment that I first realized I would have to use a wheelchair. It was, to me, one of the worst things I would have to come to terms with. It was at Halloween Horror Nights just a few years ago, and I could barely get through the night. I waited in line and sat down as often as I could, my head swimming and throbbing, my stomach turning; my body was winding down to a complete halt. As the sun went down I found myself walking into one of the houses and I remember little other than the rooms spinning and every step weighing on me. I remember that the plan was to continue on until park close, but I could hardly make it through the exit to go sit down. I sat down and rested for at least 3 hours before I forced myself to stand back up.

My sister and I in Germany together before I had IH
I think I did one more house and I couldn’t do any more, so I went to the show that was there - Bill and Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure - and had to go back to the hotel, missing the whole night and having my sister miss it as well. I felt completely defeated. I felt devastated.
My sister and I in Germany before I had IH
 I could barely get my legs to move. When my sister went to shower in the hotel room I remember breaking down in tears. Not just because my body had broken down on me, but because she had pointed out to me that I needed to use a wheelchair, and I knew that despite my immediate inner response rushing to deny this, she was right. So for the rest of the trip, I stood in line and rented a chair from Universal every day. “This is just a temporary thing,” I told myself, “You need this now, but you won’t need it soon. This is just for now.” My next trip down, I borrowed a wheelchair from church. “Just for Halloween Horror Nights,” I told myself, “It’s just for the parks.”

I told myself this every time I used this chair. When I needed it in the mall. When I needed it in a store that didn’t have a convenience shopper. When I was anywhere I would need to be on my feet for more than a few minutes, I told myself “it’s just temporary.” Then one day, I realized how long I had borrowed the wheelchair and bought my own. What did I say to justify this? “I’ll only need it for now. When this is through I won’t need it anymore.”
Me and my amazing friends at HHN 2017
It was like this for longer than I care to recount. Needing the chair, denying that I needed the chair, and back and forth I went. I stayed in limbo in this constant state of denial - feeling ashamed for needing a wheelchair, feeling ashamed that I could no longer do the things I used to do, feeling shame for being who I now was. It was a lonely, bitter feeling that came creeping into my thoughts when I tried to sleep and made me want to hide myself away because I couldn’t stand who I was.

Let me make this clear, being disabled and needing a wheelchair weren’t the only things hindering my ability to want to face who I was, but in the face of so many reasons, I am able to say with confidence that it is the reason I was ashamed. I would think back on my able-bodied life and remember the things I could do. Physical exertion didn’t used to be so hard. I used to be able to jump and, though I hated it, sprint and run. I could kick around a soccer ball, I could jump on a trampoline, I could even ride roller coasters. I could do simple things before without draining myself so much too, things that might sound utterly ridiculous to anyone able-bodied, like changing clothes, showering, bending down, and walking. I despised it. I mourned it. I began to grow resentful of my past self. I used to complain when I would walk so long my feet were killing me, and that made me want to go back in time and smack myself as hard as I could. “What I wouldn’t give to be able to walk like that now,” I thought. I used to do so many things that, until I couldn’t do them, I took for granted, the way it usually works with human beings. That’s why songs like Big Yellow Taxi exist. We never know what we have until it’s gone.

There came a day, amidst all of the madness I had created in my head, when I realized that I had been lying to myself. I relied on the wheelchair. It was time to accept that. It wasn’t going away, and I didn’t need to keep willing it away. Besides, I had been through so much with it already. In my wheelchair, I became a new person. In my wheelchair, I learned, and am still learning, to accept my new limitations and my new self. In my wheelchair, I met amazing people and had amazing experiences that I otherwise would never have had. I would never have met my friend and fellow gal on wheels, Jessica, had it not been for the fact that I was in my wheelchair. I’m confident of this. I wouldn’t have met her son, Stephan. I wouldn’t have met Jose. I wouldn’t have met any of these amazing, wonderful people if I had not accepted what I needed.

I met Jessica when I was still in a park rental chair. Jessica, in so many ways, helped me accept this new reality, and not just to accept it but to make it more than just a thing I have to live with - something that I should embrace rather than be ashamed of.
Jessica in her scoots with Sam the skeleton
I always recognized Jessica because she was in a scooter, all lit up in Halloween lights, with a skeleton named Sam on the back like a mascot. She taught me the ins and outs of how to better take care of myself now that I needed to get around differently. She told me to stand up for myself, something which I had always done as an able bodied person but for some reason, when it came to my wheelchair and mobility, I just didn’t want to do. I didn’t think I deserved it, simply because of conditions that aren’t my fault. When I look back at how crazy that sounds, I can’t believe I ever let myself feel like that. Slowly let it sink in - I didn’t believe I was worth taking care of myself because I was diagnosed with a brain disease that I cannot control. Jessica basically called bullshit, for lack of a better way to say it, and told me to take care of myself.

I took inspiration from her and wrapped lights around my chair, which felt unexpectedly empowering. When we ride around the park together, we look like Disney’s former Electric Light Parade. I laugh and I enjoy my time at Halloween Horror Nights, with all of my amazing friends rather than feeling like an alien in my own skin. 
Me with cast from Bill and Ted's Hween Adventure and my friends
I no longer feel ashamed to sit in my own wheelchair. I no longer feel ashamed to take care of my basic needs. I no longer feel ashamed that I am a disabled girl in a wheelchair. I feel different, and I’m not quite sure what that different is just yet, but I realized along the line that I don’t ever want anyone to feel about themselves the way that I did for so, so long. It’s like when I was bullied in school - when I was young I let it define how I thought of myself, and when I grew up I wanted no one to be bullied into hating themselves like I was, except this time I bullied myself. I can’t imagine that I am the only one that has felt this way about their disability, no matter how big or small the impact on their life. If reading this helps even one person the way that Jessica and my other friends helped me, I’ll be happy that I shared my story.

If this is you, if you’ve been diagnosed with something or you’re trying to figure out what’s wrong and everything feels completely fucked up - you are different now, and your life will never be the same. 
Wild Stallyns & Jack the Clown (HHN) self-made decorations
It will change you forever. But it doesn’t have to be bad. It’s just a new chapter. I can’t tell you what will happen but I can tell you that you’ll figure this out eventually, and please, please don’t neglect or resent yourself along the way. Don’t ever feel ashamed of who you are or what you now need. Also, you’re not alone. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

P.S. I used to avoid taking/posting pictures of me in my wheelchair like the plague - screw that!
My best friend and I with Victoria Atkin (Evie Frye from Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

My Evie Frye wheelchair Dragon Con badge

My best friend and I with John Noble

Self-made Stranger Things Alphabet Wall decoration for chair

My friends and my cosplay left to right: Nancy, Max, Joyce, and Eleven from Stranger Things

To donate to or learn more about IH, visit the IHR Foundation website:
IHR Foundation Website
IHR Donation Link

My social media:

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Islands of Adventure: How to Survive Once You Get There!

Grüße alle!
So I don't know if you know this about me... but I love Universal Studios Orlando.
Remember my last blog entry about it? If you haven't read it, here's my Universal Orlando Survival Guide for you to read! I've also written about Universal's Halloween Horror Nights, which is one of the many events Universal has every year but my absolute favorite, and you can read here about last year's Halloween Horror Nights 26!
Now, as I've said before, I could go on forever about Universal! My philosophy about Universal is that if you can go (and you want to love your vacation), you should go to Universal! 😜 Honestly, it's happiness on Earth! Disney is right next door if you wanna pop by, but Universal is my jam & jelly if you give it a moment it'll be yours!
Today though, I'm going to give you a small glimpse and some guidelines and survival tips for Universal, because an adventure requires preparation! Just ask Lara Croft! (I double pinky promise you don't have to perform her stunts, though. The rides will do that for you!) Without any further ado, read and be filled with knowledge! πŸ˜‹

Survival Tips for Islands of Adventure
-Fill your handy dandy rucksack & Trip Tips
Islands of Adventure: A Guide
-Fill your handy dandy rucksack & Trip Tips
-Restaurants & Freestyle Machines, Shops, & Pathways

Survival Tips for Islands of Adventure

I'll start with just general survival tips for the parks. My first tip to survival is to bring a bag. As I've said before: You can bring any bag you like, but my personal preference is this one... Outlander Lightweight Travel Backpack. Honestly, my biggest tip here would be to bring a bag that won't hurt your shoulders/back too much to carry around. Find something comfortable enough to carry around all day - it can make or break your back!

Fill your handy dandy rucksack... 

1- Wallet
It's pretty obvious, but I'll say it anyways - you will need money at Universal! To eat, if you want to wave around Dumbledore's wand (or indulge in the wand interactive experience at Universal Studios), or upgrade your pass in any way, you'll need your hard earned plastic cards! You'll also need to show ID for various reasons in the parks - ex. wheelchair/scooter rentals, first park entry, some large purchases, etc.

2- Park Pass!
Do not forget this baby! Obviously you need it to get in, but if you have a park hopper pass and plan on riding the "Hogwarts Express," you have to scan it to do so. *Bonus - If you have a Preffered or Premium Pass, you get a discount at stores and restaurants (not including the stands on the streets).*

3- Portable Charger
If you plan on spending the whole day at Universal, it can be exhausting - for you and your battery life! When you're taking a break on your phone or playing a game while waiting in line, you'll drain your power pretty quickly. It's a good idea to have a backup! As I have said before: My personal favorite is the Anker External Battery. And it's a given, but don't forget the charger cord, either. Believe it or not, I've done it before. It's frustrating to say the least!

4- Camera & Batteries
If you plan on taking a thousand pictures and don't want them all on your phone, you'll need a camera! Bring batteries and backups for your batteries, because they drain faster than you realize when you're trying to get that perfect shot of the dragon spitting fire!

If you've never been before, grab a map at the front gate. (They have plenty in English, and I know they also have Spanish & Portuguese. I think they are also available in Japanese.) It's a good idea to keep one with you so you know where all of the bathrooms and Freestyle Machine stops are.

6- Freestyle Cup (If you have one)
Freestyle cups are a system in place at Universal that I happen to love! On the first day you buy the cup, you get free refills all day long. You can choose from anything in the freestyle machines provided that you set down your cup on the reader first (it's where you would normally set your cup). You are allowed to get refills every ten minutes, but once you pick up your cup from the machine, that ten minutes starts. So make sure it's what you want when you pour! After your first day, if you bring back the cup to the park, you can recharge it for a few bucks anywhere that will do this (most restaurants do), and you're off!

7- Extra Clothes
If you're planning on getting wet and don't mind walking around wet all day, ignore this! If you get super soaked on Popeyes (which you definitely will, I promise) and don't want to walk around wet all day, it's good to have backup.

8- Ziploc Bags
This may sound strange, but it has been a lifesaver. Any time it rains and on every water ride, I put my electronics and anything else I don't want to get wet in gallon or quart sized ziploc bags, and poof! Your objects are now waterproof. Well, not for submerging. Don't try that.

9- Poncho
Bring a poncho! Florida likes to have short rainstorms in bursts a lot, and people rush indoors, crowding indoor rides, restaurants, and stores to their brim. They also shell out a lot of money on ponchos. It's lightweight and can compact well, so I would recommend bringing one if you can!

10- Don't bring unnecessary items!
If your bag is too heavy, your back won't be happy. If your bag is too big, it will be hard to fit in the lockers. Try not to load yourself down!

Trip Tips!
1- Comfortable Clothes
Wear comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting wet or a little dirty. Universal is a very clean park, but you're likely still to get dirty and sweaty from a long, hot day. Please don't wear something you're uncomfortable in or afraid to smudge!

2- Comfortable Shoes
I see a lot of women wearing heels in the park, and a lot of people that wear sandals and their feet get worn out quickly. Each person is obviously different, so you do you! But I do not recommend wearing heels all day - that can go south on your heels and toes real quick!

3- Stay Hydrated
Universal offers free water in their restaurants, and there are water fountains in many locations. So if you don't want to pay for drinks, please stay hydrated! My recommendation is to drink plenty of water, Powerade if you don't want water.

4- Take a seat, rest your feet!
You'll be walking - a lot. When you get a chance, get off your feet and savor the moment!

5- Sleep well.
Zzzzzzzz... what? I didn't hear you. I was too busy falling into my hotel bed and sleeping off the exhaustion of today. For reals, sleep well, especially if you plan on getting up early and/or staying out late!

6- Wheelchairs - Ankle Bites!
Remember that there are people in wheelchairs, too! It gets crowded, but try to stay aware of your surroundings. It's a lot harder to stop suddenly if you're in a wheelchair, and much easier to get out of the way (or suddenly stop) if you're bi-pedal. If you cut off a wheelchair, you're likely to get a lot of ankle bites, so try to be aware and nice! :)

7- Line Cutting
People do not like it when you do this. To keep the lines shorter at the lockers outside of each ride (lockers that are offered free for your line duration period), they ask you not to bring your entire party to the lockers. So if you want to get in line and wait for your designated locker person, that's fine! If you're just cutting to cut though, please don't! Don't be a beef jerky, please! ;)

Universal Studios Orlando is a smoke free place except for designated smoking areas, which you can find marked on park maps and at the locations themselves. Please don’t smoke outside of them! You never know what sensitivity someone around you has to the smoke, and there are always pregnant women and children around! As someone who has asthma, it can be very frustrating and painful to be around so much smoke, so please don’t smoke in the middle of the crowd! Go to a zone! This rule also includes but is not limited to E-Cigarettes.

9- For Disabilities - ADA Pass
Upon entry to the park, go to guest services and tell them that you need an ADA pass. You cannot get this pass just because you are in a wheelchair like their old policy dictated, now you must have a valid reason to need the pass even if you have a wheelchair. If you get the pass, it lasts for up to two weeks, and you can have up to 6 people on the pass to accompany you, but their passes must be scanned. This is how it works - If the line is under 30 minutes long at any given ride, go to the attendant standing in front of the Express Pass line, and they will send you down the Express Pass line right away. (For some rides, they will also send you to elevators.) If the line is over 30 minutes, hand them your pass, and they will write down a time for you to come back. (I believe it is the current wait time minus ten minutes.) Come back at that time, and they'll send you down the Express Line, same as before!

Islands of Adventure - A Guide

*Scroll down for a list of: Freestyle Machines Locations, Pathway Explanations, & Hidden Gems. This park map was taken and edited before King Kong, so some of the numbering is off of the newer maps and Kong is now up there by Jurassic Park!*
Freestyle Machines - Where to Find Them
-At the end of the opening pathway (Port of Entry) at a stand
-Captain America Diner
-Comic Strip Cafe
-The Watering Hole
-Pizza Predatoria
-Burger Digs
-Doc Segrue's Kebab House (near the Mystic Fountain)
-By the bathrooms in Suessland (You'll know it when you see it, there will be a speaker on repeat that says "Q. Q is for Quan. Quan is for Quandry!")
-Circus McGurkus Cafe Stoo-pendous

Pathway Explanations
-Circle around Blondie's Quick Service (point F on the map)
This is the way to get to and from Toon Lagoon. Take the path to Jurassic Park or back to Marvel Super Hero Island. I have this included because of the dead end to the right that is super easy to take by accident.
-Dead End (by Popeyes)
This is a kid zone. So, technically, not a dead end if you have kids with you. If not, after you ride Popeye's, this area has nothing for you.
-Pathway leading around Seuss Landing (instead of going through it)
If you've never been to Islands of Adventure before, don't take this! It's not the scenic route, it won't take you by the Cat in the Hat of the Caro-Seuss-el... but it is a super nifty short cut. This will take you by some Freestyle Machines, restrooms, and a small cafe (that's almost never open), and it will take you around the huge crowd. It's a Frank Kincaid masterpiece you're welcome! (If you get that joke, I applaud you!)

Hidden Gems
Photo credit here
-Point by "A" on the map:
Port of Entry Christmas Shoppe is a year round Christmas shop, and it's always stocked with awesome. If you want your daily dose of the Grinch, stop by!

Photo credit here
-Point by "D"/ number point 4 on the map:
This is a comic shop that is near the exit of the Marvel Universe section of the park. It is full of comic book character merchandise and comic books as well! It's a wonderfully air conditioned haven for your inner nerd!

Restaurants - Where to Go
*Disclaimer: I haven't been to every restaurant in Islands of Adventure, so I can't review them all. Every opinion is my own. I also did not include things like Starbucks, which is not specific to only Universal.*

Cafe 4πŸ•πŸπŸŒΏ
This is Universal's standard Italian eatery. As far as theme park food goes it's pretty good, and you can find some healthy options here too.
From the park map: Pizza, Salads, Pasta

Captain America's DinerπŸ”πŸŸπŸŒΏ
Standard burger place - it'll be the same kind of burgers you'd find anywhere except here there's no salad bar like Burger Digs has got. It's got an awesome interior if you're a Marvel nerd though, so if you want to land yourself smack dab in the middle of the Marvel Universe and in some air conditioning, it's not a bad place to stop!
From the park map: Burgers, Salads, Sandwiches, & Shakes
*Freestyle Machines are found here* 

Comic Strip CafeπŸ”πŸŸπŸ•πŸπŸ£πŸœ
I've never eaten here, honestly! I am usually just a passerby between Marvel and Jurrasic, as Popeye will always get you soaked. The American and Italian options are probably the Universal standard, but as far as the asian cuisine I can't say. This sounds a lot like the old International eatery that Simpson's took the place of though, and though this was many years ago, if that's the case then my vote is a no go on the asian cuisine.
From the park map: American, Italian, & Asian Cuisine
*Freestyle Machines are found here*

Pizza PredatoriaπŸ•πŸŒΏ
I can't honestly say that I remember having eaten at this place specifically, but if it's true to the italian cuisine in the rest of the park, it's the standard you'll find over at Cafe 4. All of the seating is outside though, so if you're looking for a break in the air conditioning, this isn't the place for you! It's right near the raptor attraction, which is convienient if you'd like to grab a bite to eat before being the bite to eat! 😜
From the park map: Pizza, Salads, & Meatball sandwiches
*Freestyle Machines are found here*

The Burger DigsπŸ”πŸŸπŸŒΏπŸ—
I go here quite a bit when I'm in Islands for lunch, and my personal favorite is their chicken tenders. This is one of the changes they've made over the years, and it's fantastic. Plus, there's a salad bar here with tomatoes, onions, pickles, lettuce, sauces, & napkins. It's a pretty full package place to go whether you want a burger or chicken!
From the park map: Hamburgers, Garden Burgers, Chicken Sandwiches, Chicken Fingers & Shakes
*Freestyle Machines are found here*

The Watering Hole🌭
This is just a standard stand at Universal that sells hot dogs, nachos, pretzels... that kind of thing. Their snack food is pretty much the same at any stand in Universal, so if you like one place you'll like the other. I like the snack food alright but I often get snacks from inside the restaurants, so I only frequent this stop for the Freestyle machines!
From the park map: Hot Dogs, Chili Nachos, & Full Service Walk-Up Bar
*Freestyle Machines are found here*

Three BroomsticksπŸ—πŸ–πŸŒΏπŸ¦
*My personal favorite!*
This is my absolute favorite restaurant here. The food in this restaurant and the Harry Potter restaurant in Universal Studios is amazing, and not just for theme park food. The menu is varied and the items on the menu cannot be found in any other restaurants, and of course the scenery is completely awesome! Taste, service, atmosphere (including music that is always playing) are all two thumbs up!
From the park map: "Great Feast Platter", Fish & Chips, Shepherd's Pie, Chicken & BBQ Ribs, Soup, Salads, Tasty Desserts, Pumpkin Juice™, & Butterbeer™
*Note: Freestyle Machines are not in the Harry Potter section of the park at all.*

Circus McGurkus Cafe Stoo-pendousπŸ—πŸπŸ•πŸ”πŸŸπŸŒΏ
I must be fair here and say that I haven't eaten here in years, and Universal has since then (in my opinion) really stepped up their food game, but I very much did not like this place when I ate there. Perhaps it is now better being that the parks seem to have adjusted their food and menus since then, but if you'd like to try it out don't let me stop you! 
From the park map: Fried Chicken, Pasta, Pizza, Cheeseburgers, & Salads
*Freestyle Machines are found here*

Coming to you next about Universal Orlando: Mardi Gras!

All of the opinions listed here are my own, I am not sponsored or paid, and I wasn't given admission to the park for free. I found all of my photos on Google, the Universal Website, edited them myself, or elsewhere as credited. If I used a photo of yours and did not give credit, please contact me and I will credit you or remove the photo if you want me to.
If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave them here!

Bis zum nΓ€chsten Mal!
Ray Kay

Visit my Etsy shop!
pretttynerdydesigns is my own Etsy shop where I sell hand made crafts like hand-painted shoes and bows!

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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Universal Studios Orlando: How to Survive Once You Get There!

Grüße alle!
So I don't know if you know this about me... but I love Universal Studios Orlando.
Now, I could write like ten novels about Universal Orlando on about a hundred subjects, but for now I will settle with this blog. This post, I'll walk you through how to survive a trip to Universal Studios! I know, sounds strange... but trust me, it's easy to get caught up and lost in there when you don't know what you're doing. Consider me your survival guide for the moment, because I'm fairly familiar with Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure, and by that I mean if I could live in this park (and maybe fix the freaking hot weather!), I probably would! 😜 Honestly though, who wouldn't want to live in Hogwarts?! 
What I'll cover today:

Survival Tips for Universal Orlando
-Fill your handy dandy rucksack & Trip Tips
Universal Studios: A Guide
-Restaurants & Freestyle Machines, Shops, and Pathways

Survival Tips for Universal Orlando

I'll start with just general survival tips for the parks. My first tip to survival is to bring a bag. As I've said before: You can bring any bag you like, but my personal preference is this one... Outlander Lightweight Travel Backpack. Honestly, my biggest tip here would be to bring a bag that won't hurt your shoulders/back too much to carry around. Find something comfortable enough to carry around all day - it can make or break your back!

Fill your handy dandy rucksack... 

1- Wallet
It's pretty obvious, but I'll say it anyways - you will need money at Universal! To eat, if you want to wave around Dumbledore's wand (or indulge in the wand interactive experience at Universal Studios), or upgrade your pass in any way, you'll need your hard earned plastic cards! You'll also need to show ID for various reasons in the parks - ex. wheelchair/scooter rentals, first park entry, some large purchases, etc.

2- Park Pass!
Do not forget this baby! Obviously you need it to get in, but if you have a park hopper pass and plan on riding the "Hogwarts Express," you have to scan it to do so. *Bonus - If you have a Preffered or Premium Pass, you get a discount at stores and restaurants (not including the stands on the streets).*

3- Portable Charger
If you plan on spending the whole day at Universal, it can be exhausting - for you and your battery life! When you're taking a break on your phone or playing a game while waiting in line, you'll drain your power pretty quickly. It's a good idea to have a backup! As I have said before: My personal favorite is the Anker External Battery. And it's a given, but don't forget the charger cord, either. Believe it or not, I've done it before. It's frustrating to say the least!

4- Camera & Batteries
If you plan on taking a thousand pictures and don't want them all on your phone, you'll need a camera! Bring batteries and backups for your batteries, because they drain faster than you realize when you're trying to get that perfect shot of the dragon spitting fire!

If you've never been before, grab a map at the front gate. (They have plenty in English, and I know they also have Spanish & Portuguese. I think they are also available in Japanese.) It's a good idea to keep one with you so you know where all of the bathrooms and Freestyle Machine stops are.

6- Freestyle Cup (If you have one)
Freestyle cups are a system in place at Universal that I happen to love! On the first day you buy the cup, you get free refills all day long. You can choose from anything in the freestyle machines provided that you set down your cup on the reader first (it's where you would normally set your cup). You are allowed to get refills every ten minutes, but once you pick up your cup from the machine, that ten minutes starts. So make sure it's what you want when you pour! After your first day, if you bring back the cup to the park, you can recharge it for a few bucks anywhere that will do this (most restaurants do), and you're off!

7- Extra Clothes
If you're planning on getting wet and don't mind walking around wet all day, ignore this! If you get super soaked on Popeyes (which you definitely will, I promise) and don't want to walk around wet all day, it's good to have backup.

8- Ziploc Bags
This may sound strange, but it has been a lifesaver. Any time it rains and on every water ride, I put my electronics and anything else I don't want to get wet in gallon or quart sized ziploc bags, and poof! Your objects are now waterproof. Well, not for submerging. Don't try that.

9- Poncho
Bring a poncho! Florida likes to have short rainstorms in bursts a lot, and people rush indoors, crowding indoor rides, restaurants, and stores to their brim. They also shell out a lot of money on ponchos. It's lightweight and can compact well, so I would recommend bringing one if you can!

10- Don't bring unnecessary items!
If your bag is too heavy, your back won't be happy. If your bag is too big, it will be hard to fit in the lockers. Try not to load yourself down!

Trip Tips!
1- Comfortable Clothes
Wear comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting wet or a little dirty. Universal is a very clean park, but you're likely still to get dirty and sweaty from a long, hot day. Please don't wear something you're uncomfortable in or afraid to smudge!

2- Comfortable Shoes
I see a lot of women wearing heels in the park, and a lot of people that wear sandals and their feet get worn out quickly. Each person is obviously different, so you do you! But I do not recommend wearing heels all day - that can go south on your heels and toes real quick!

3- Stay Hydrated
Universal offers free water in their restaurants, and there are water fountains in many locations. So if you don't want to pay for drinks, please stay hydrated! My recommendation is to drink plenty of water, Powerade if you don't want water.

4- Take a seat, rest your feet!
You'll be walking - a lot. When you get a chance, get off your feet and savor the moment!

5- Sleep well.
Zzzzzzzz... what? I didn't hear you. I was too busy falling into my hotel bed and sleeping off the exhaustion of today. For reals, sleep well, especially if you plan on getting up early and/or staying out late!

6- Wheelchairs - Ankle Bites!
Remember that there are people in wheelchairs, too! It gets crowded, but try to stay aware of your surroundings. It's a lot harder to stop suddenly if you're in a wheelchair, and much easier to get out of the way (or suddenly stop) if you're bi-pedal. If you cut off a wheelchair, you're likely to get a lot of ankle bites, so try to be aware and nice! :)

7- Line Cutting
People do not like it when you do this. To keep the lines shorter at the lockers outside of each ride (lockers that are offered free for your line duration period), they ask you not to bring your entire party to the lockers. So if you want to get in line and wait for your designated locker person, that's fine! If you're just cutting to cut though, please don't! Don't be a beef jerky, please! ;)

Universal Studios Orlando is a smoke free place except for designated smoking areas, which you can find marked on park maps and at the locations themselves. Please don’t smoke outside of them! You never know what sensitivity someone around you has to the smoke, and there are always pregnant women and children around! As someone who has asthma, it can be very frustrating and painful to be around so much smoke, so please don’t smoke in the middle of the crowd! Go to a zone! *This rule also includes but is not limited to E-Cigarettes.*

9- For Disabilities - ADA Pass
Upon entry to the park, go to guest services and tell them that you need an ADA pass. You cannot get this pass just because you are in a wheelchair like their old policy dictated, now you must have a valid reason to need the pass even if you have a wheelchair. If you get the pass, it lasts for up to two weeks, and you can have up to 6 people on the pass to accompany you, but their passes must be scanned. This is how it works - If the line is under 30 minutes long at any given ride, go to the attendant standing in front of the Express Pass line, and they will send you down the Express Pass line right away. (For some rides, they will also send you to elevators.) If the line is over 30 minutes, hand them your pass, and they will write down a time for you to come back. (I believe it is the current wait time minus ten or fifteen minutes.) Come back at that time, and they'll send you down the Express Line, same as before!

Universal Studios - A Guide

*Scroll down for a list of: Freestyle Machines Locations, Pathway Explanations, & Hidden Gems.*
Freestyle Machines - Where to Find Them
-Classic Monster's Cafe
-Louie's Italian Restaurant
-Richter's Burger Co.
-Outside San Francisco Pastry Company
-Beside the restrooms outside of the Fear Factor Live Ampitheatre
-A stand outside of Men in Black
-(Woody Woodpecker's) Kid Zone Pizza
-Mel's Drive In *note: Powerade not available at this location*
*Want water? They offer free cups of water at food & beverage locations around the park, and they will fill your Freestyle Cup with water for free as well. The Freestyle Machines may or may not have water - I've seen that some have it back.*

Pathway Explanations
Sometimes, this is used as a park entrance. I can't guarantee that it always will be, but if it is a ridiculous wait to get in or out, maybe try it out! Otherwise, this is a dead end.
-Dead End (by the Mummy)
There's nothing here but decorations unless it's Horror Nights! Turn around and head back!
-Pathways between Finnegan's and Starbucks:
These are just small little roads in between building blocks that cut through crowds easily! If you want to easily get from Transformers to the Mummy, for instance, these are your best friend! Not to mention that there are shops and awesome decorations in these alleys!
-Pathway drawn with an "X" towards Harry Potter Diagon Alley:
This is the entrance. It is easy to miss, and it just looks like a brick wall until you look closer! Think of Harry and Hagrid in Sorcerer's Stone when they first entered Diagon Alley - it looks like that!
-Pathway in the middle of Diagon Alley:
This is an alternate way to Enter/Exit this section of the park. It isn't used as often as the other entrance, so it's nice to cut through and use this!
-Pathways from Harry Potter/Fear Factor Live (Bill & Ted's Excellent HWeen Adventure during HHN) leading to Men In Black/The Simpsons
These are just here to show you the many different ways to get out of Harry Potter. One is a direct path to the Simpsons, one a direct path the to Men In Black, and one leads by a restroom/Freestyle Machine stop. The choice is yours!
-Pathway from Moe's Tavern to E.T.:
This exits the building and puts you by bathrooms, not to mention bypasses a lot of foot traffic, and it's more in the shade. Take it, trust me!
-Dead End by the Children's Area:
No, technically this isn't a dead end, especially if you have a child with you. But for adults, who aren't allowed on the playground, it's pointless! After you ride E.T., head back, trust me there's nothing for you!
-Pathway (seemingly) in the middle of a building by the front of the park:
This actually cuts straight through from that main street to the Entrance of the park or Guest Services, and there's a shaded area there with bathrooms as well. I make good use of it, but you can't really see it on the map, so here you go!

Hidden Gems

-Point by "B" on the map:
The Park Plaza Holiday Shop is an awesome year-round Christmas shop, and it shouldn't be passed over but often is! Check it out! It's the Universal answer to the Christmas shop near the entrance of Islands of Adventure.

Photo credit:
-Point near "D" on the map:
The Film Vault is a Universal Movie shop covered in memorabilia from classic Universal Studios films, and it is amazing, but passed over a lot. It includes seasonal merchandise sometimes and it has things from movies like Jaws and Back to the Future, both of which used to be rides at Universal Orlando, and things from movies like their classic monster films, which are featured just down the street at the Classic Monsters Cafe & at the Horror Makeup Show.

Restaurants - Where to Go
*Disclaimer: I haven't been to every restaurant in Universal Studios, so I can't review them all. Every opinion is my own. I also did not include things like Starbucks, which is not specific to only Universal.*

Beverly Hills Boulangerie🍳🍰
This place has food similar to that of the San Francisco Pastry Company. I have had some extremely delicious dessert there, and the sandwiches look equally as appetizing.
From the park map: Breakfast, Sandwiches, & Pastries

Classic Monsters CafeπŸ—πŸŸπŸ–πŸ”πŸ•
The menu here is varied and not all items can be found in other places around the parks. I have only ever eaten chili cheese fries here, but for the record, they're pretty awesome! What I absolutely know I love about this place is the decor. Each room is filled with decorations that reflect classic horror films, from the Creature of Black Lagoon to Dracula, and it is awesome. I take tons of pictures every time I go in there, even though I probably already have a picture of every bit of the place!
From the park map: Ribs, Hamburgers, Pizza, Turkey Legs, Rotisserie Chicken, Hot Dogs, Salads, & Shakes
*Note: This is where the Halloween Horror Nights 26 Scare Actor Dining was, and if this is continued I highly recommend it! The food is delicious (and is a different menu than is regular here) and the experience is awesome.*
*Freestyle Machines are found here*

Louie's Italian RestaurantπŸ•πŸ
This restaurant features Italian food, obviously! They have things like Pasta, Pizza, and Chicken Caesar Salad, and most of the time there are desserts out. The food here is the same as the food in the Islands of Adventure Cafe 4 Restaurant, and I have had it many times. It's pretty good Italian food, and it's very good considering that it's theme park food! 
From the park map: Pizza, Salads, Pasta
*Freestyle Machines are found here* 

Richter's Burger Co.πŸ”πŸŸπŸ—
This restaurant features American food, particularly burgers. More than Burgers, they also offer a Chicken Sandwich and a Chicken Caesar Salad amongst other things. You walk straight up to the register and order here, and you wait in another area for them to call your ticket and hand you your food. After you have your food, you can go to a bar with Hamburger toppings (lettuce, onions, pickles, tomatoes, ketchup, mustard, mayo) and you're all set! The food here is the same as the food in the Islands of Adventure Burger Digs Restaurant. It's not as good as the Italian food to me, but it's still pretty good food for an amusement park.
From the park map: Burgers, Garden Burgers, Chicken, & Shakes
*Freestyle Machines are found here*

San Francisco Pastry Company🍰
I have not personally eaten here, but a close friend has. They offer deli type food here, and it's perfect if you want a quick, smaller option to take with you versus a full meal. This person said they enjoyed the food a lot and that they have varying options of size and type for people in there, so I thought I would include it here! 
*They serve similar items in the Simpson's Restaurant (Fast Food Boulevard) from Lisa's refrigerated section.*
From the park map: Sandwiches & Pastries
*Freestyle Machines are found here*

Leaky Cauldron⚡
*My personal favorite!*
This is my absolute favorite restaurant here. The food in this restaurant and the Harry Potter restaurant in Islands is amazing, and not just for theme park food. The menu is varied and the items on the menu cannot be found in any other restaurants, and of course the scenery is completely awesome! Taste, service, atmosphere (including music that is always playing) are all two thumbs up! For dessert, I recommend the Sticky Toffee Pudding (with no ice cream on it to harden the yummy sauce!), and for the main course I suggest my personal favorite, the Specialty Chicken Sandwich (with an extra cup of the amazing apple-butter mayo sauce, which sounds gross but believe me... it's so not.)
From the park map: Cottage pie, fish and chips, bangers & mash, fisherman's pie, Ploughman's (a platter including Scotch eggs and cheeses), plus alcoholic beverages, including Butterbeer.
*Note: Freestyle Machines are not in the Harry Potter section of the park at all.*

Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor⚡🍦
So this isn't for meals, but oh my goodness this stuff is good! I have tried a few flavors on the menu, including Chocolate Chili (strange, but chocolate lovers seem to like it!) and Strawberry & Peanut Butter flavor (which sounds disgusting to me but it was actually really good!)... but the best flavor on the menu is their trademarked Butterbeer Soft Serve Ice Cream. I don't know how to tell you how good this is, but trust me, try it. *Bonus: You can buy this in the Butterbeer shop next door if it's the only ice cream flavor you are getting, and that shop usually has a wayyy shorter line.*
From the park map: Scoop and soft-serve ice cream in a variety of unique flavors, such as Butterbeer, Sticky Toffee Pudding, and Salted Caramel Blondie as well as other delicious treats.

Fast Food Boulevard (Building attached to Moe's Tavern)πŸ©πŸ”πŸŸπŸ•πŸ—
This is a really great place to go for variety! There is a deli section, pizza, chicken, seafood, burgers, and there's a taco truck right outside! The food here is really good, and some of my personal favorites are the Krusty Burger (with extra secret sauce) and the Chicken and Waffle sandwich (the sauce on this is also really good!). The burger comes with curly fries and the chicken and waffle sandwich comes with tater tots, both of which rock the casbah. There are options for everyone in here, and if you're a fan of The Simpsons, then it will be awesome for you - clips from the show play in the room as you eat, and every inch of the building is covered in decorations!
From the park map: Featuring all your favorites from the Simpsons - Krusty Burger, Chicken and Waffle Sandwich, Fried Seafood, Pizza, and more...
*Note: Freestyle Machines are not in the Harry Potter section of the park at all.*

Mels Drive-InπŸ”πŸŸπŸ—
The food here is very similar to the food you'd find in Burger Digs or Richter's. It's burgers, chicken tenders, fries, shakes... typical diner food. It's good for theme park food, but not my first choice. Something I love that has no relevance is that during Halloween Horror Nights, the sign reads Mel's DIE In, and that is amazing. My personal favorites here are the chicken fingers & seasoned fries, and their chili cheese fries!
From the park map: Burgers, Chicken Sandwiches, Salads, Shakes, & Fries
*Freestyle Machines are found here*

Coming to you next about UO:Islands of Adventure: How to Survive Once You Get There!

All of the opinions listed here are my own, I am not sponsored or paid, and I wasn't given admission to the park for free. I found all of my photos on Google, the Universal Website, edited them myself, or elsewhere as credited. If I used a photo of yours and did not give credit, please contact me and I will credit you or remove the photo if you want me to.
If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave them here!

Bis zum nΓ€chsten Mal!
Ray Kay

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